Marketing Framework of Small and Medium Enterprises (Smes) Based on Marketing Mix of Syariah
The effort of businessmen in marketing is a form of mu'amalah that is justified by Islam when all processes such as creation, offer and change of value are maintained from the elements set forth in the Qur'an, Hadith, and ijtihad of the ulama. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) internally still experience various obstacles in developing their business. Product marketing is still conventional; limited marketing range; more emphasis on the validity of low prices; less attention to quality; marketing spontaneously and impressed as is. The purpose of study determines the implementation of marketing - based sharia by applying the principles that are theistic (Rabbaniyyah); Ethical (Akhlaqiyah); Realistic (Al-Waqiiyyah); and Humanistic (Insaniyyah) in a combination of variables: Product, Price, Place (Distribution), Promotion, People, Process, and Physical Evidence. The method used a Research and development approach. The population of SMEs processed by marine fish in Kenjeran district of Surabaya, with a sample of 45 SMEs. The results showed that the marketing mix of SMEs based on sharia marketing from product elements and pricing of products that have been traded have been carried out in Syar'i. Distribution is done directly, without intermediaries and free of monopolistic practices. Promotions are carried out simply but still maintain honesty. The process of providing information was carried out by marketers that is generally accountable. The marketer avoided speculative actions and did not only prioritize personal interests. Elements of physical evidence of SME marketing in general were still not able to provide facilities that display the characteristics of Syariah.
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