The Impact of Work Life Balance of Workers in Information Technology Companies in India
This study article identifies certain factors that have a major impact on the balance between work and privacy (WLB) of female employees in IT companies in India. These factors are associated with the challenges and enhancements of the professional and personal life of 200 women who die in different works IT companies in India. This study also identifies the impact of Professional and personal life in their work On a comprehensive list of literature, a set of 42 factors related to work life balance is grouped into two constructions, namely professional factors, personal factors, WLB's personal factors, like regular exercises and fitness schedules, are yoga a meditation, balanced diet, good sleep and involvement in the hobbies, charged the most hungry As the manure influences factors: working from home has great consequences as a professional amplifier in the WLB of women. The second heavy load consists of personal factors, such as In earnest self-attention, insufficient time spent for elderly and children, feeling depressed or suffering met hypertension together with a professional factors of prolonged or uneven working hours. We find that Regardless of the factors that enhancers, personal factors are considered more effective than they Professionally factors.
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