Factors Affecting The Adoption Decision Of High Doses Of Chemical Fertilizer And Pesticide In Agriculture In Rangpur District Of Bangladesh
Like other developing countries, Bangladesh is struggling to meet the food needs for its population. There are two possible solutions to this problem- import of food products and increasing national food production. In Bangladesh, increase in agricultural production is hindered by various constraints inherent in the sector such as low availability of cultivable land, declining fertility of soil, pest and virus attack problems etc. Chemical fertilizer and pesticide are vital inputs for agricultural production. With the growing popularity of modern agriculture, fertilizer and pesticide consumption in Bangladesh has been increasing over the years. The main objective of this study was to estimate the determinants of adoption decision of high doses of chemical inputs in agriculture. Using the Bivariate probit model, this study has made it possible to identify the key determinants affecting the adoption decision of chemical inputs use. The results indicate that age, education, farming experience, total family income, training, and extension service are the main determinants for the adoption decision of high doses of chemical inputs in agriculture. Farmers' education and total family income are positively related to the adoption of chemical inputs whereas age, farming experience and training are negatively related.
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