Enhancing Lecturer Performance Through Servant Leadership and Professional Competence: A Study in Central Kalimantan Private Universities
This study aims to analyze the effect of servant leadership and professional competence on lecturer performance in private universities in Central Kalimantan. The data analysis technique in this study used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis. The findings showed that lecturer performance in private universities in Central Kalimantan is determined by three main aspects, namely education and teaching, research, and community service, with education and teaching as the dominant indicator. Organizational commitment is more influenced by affective commitment, followed by normative and continuance. Servant leadership does not directly influence lecturer performance, as lecturers focus more on teaching and research. In contrast, professional competence directly affects lecturer performance, especially through developing knowledge, professional skills, and initiatives that improve communication and learning methods. The study results are expected to be utilized by university leaders to improve lecturer performance by developing servant leadership and professional competence. In addition, the results of this study can also be the basis for formulating human resource development policies in higher education to be more effective and sustainable.
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