Transformational Leadership and Creative Behavior: The Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence
Through this research, we were able to study the interrelationship between transformational leadership and creative behavior, thus providing an intricate view of organizational behavior. To this end, the study aimed to examine the mediational role of emotional intelligence. The research was conducted within the context of the Iraqi higher education system, providing information relevant to the uniquely organized configuration of the region. Utilized a survey for public banks. containing 176 bank members, validating the representativeness of the labor sample within its entirety. The selection method explored how transformational leadership relates to creative behavior through layered aspects of cultural consideration embodied in the college at Al-Muthanna Public Banks. A well-designed questionnaire was used by the research team to collect quite some manageable data for the subjects. At the outset, we informed all subjects concerned that their responses would be kept Anonymous, and data would be used for research purposes only. This practice adhered to ethical research standards, which made participants feel more secure and value-based in sharing their comments on transformational leadership and creative behavior. This survey showed a strong and positive correlation between transformational leadership and creative behavior. Emotional intelligence played the role of a mediator in ensuring the influence of transformational leadership on creative behavior.
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