Tourist Market Segmentation Strategies
Traveler is consumers who do purchasing and fulfillment need related with product tourism. And individuals who do purchase a product or can it is said as request individual. While more from One individual who does request to a product so it is said as market demand for products So market demand is gathering more from One individual who does request products . Specifically the tourist market is gathering from consumer product tourism. Size the size of the market indicates how much Lots amount consumers. For marketers will try For get a number of consumer as its target market. Such as outlined Kotler relatedness between behavior consumer with analysis marketing. In the analysis marketing there is marketing strategy relationship with the market as the target. After then determine the target market marketing strategy is carried out For influence behavior consumer as part from the market. While the target market can known after market division process is carried out. Market division can be done based on criteria certain from Consumers. Activities dividing the market is called activity market segmentation (market segmentation). So market segmentation is activity segmenting the market consisting of from various criteria behavior buyers. While the existence of a market is necessary done activity market segmentation. Because the market is gathering or a group of people who will buy product. So the market does not must identical with location certain but more is a process of interaction between consumer as buyers and marketers as party seller product. In chapter This discuss definition and concept segmentation consumer as part from the market. Among them are the segmentation process, as well as procedure in do activity market segmentation. Understanding the need done segmentation For products and approaches in segmentation . The basis in do segmentation as well as stages in do segmentation.
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